J and I found her dress for the wedding and also some shoes. I liked her shoes so much that I purchased a pair of my own, in black. They're from one of those trendy shoe stores in the mall that you always pass by thinking its going to close abruptly because nobody ever shops there and all the shoes are displayed on tables in similar styles but different colors and there is too much green and yellow. In fact, I think the name of the store has the word "trend" in it but I can never be sure since I am hardly ever really paying attention. When we picked up the dress, the two young girls behind the counter were giggling and being all young girl-ish and annoying. The dark haired one asked me, "how do you spell your name?" as if she had had a long standing bet with the blonde one. I spelled it for her and they both said "ohhhhh" really loud and long as if they had always been baffled by the mere existence of my name and then both equally came up with their own versions of how they thought my name was spelled. "Its a season" I say, feeling the familiar frustration rise in me that so many people, SO MANY PEOPLE have no idea how to spell "Autumn". Really? Seriously? Its one of the four seasons! You can spell Winter and Summer, even Spring without really second guessing yourself, why is Autumn so difficult? I guess I can see why, what with the silent "n" at the end, but still, basic elementary and secondary educations should have this handled by the time people graduate high school. I just don't get it. We buy the dress as some long overdue pop song is playing and escape. I immediately find mall food that I know can push down the frustration and anger I am feeling over this very small detail and am temporarily satisfied. My past experience has taught me that fake cheese and over salted pretzels generally help in situations such as these.
Autumn is the best.
I love this. And I hate the mall.
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