I have lived in Portland for almost twenty years, and I have never seen a parade during the Rose Festival. Growing up, my mother was never one for huge social events and proclaiming ones love for her city (don't get me wrong, there was love to be had, but we were very subtle about it) so she never took me to see one. We went to the Waterfront every other year or so, but that was more aimed toward my love of carnival food and cheap thrill rides (I mean cheap in the trashy way). Conor has marched in the parade a few times when he was in high school, so that was something of interest for him. He really schooled me on formation and how to tell if a school has a lot of money based on marching band size and clothing being worn. As usual, I was distracted by crazy lights and children with multi-colored lightsabers, so I forgot many of the main points Conor stated during his lecture. I should really have taken notes. Highlights include the Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers (they all wear black and sunglasses at night!) and the Starlight run where runners wear various costumes. I don't know where this tradition comes from, but you bet I'll be signed up next year as a box of mac n cheese. Why not?
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