Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cuddly bunnies and baby chickens

Here are a few Easters that I can remember:

1) 1985, There was an Easter egg hunt with clues. The clues led me to the garden where the finale was a pastel colored kite that blended well with the whole theme. It was magical. I flew the kite so much in the following days (we lived on the coast) that it broke apart. From that day forth, I make it very clear to my Mother that she is never to buy cheap presents for me again. Of course, I don't make the money in the family, so I lose.

2) 1987, Sunday school Easter egg hunt. I was making bank with all the plastic eggs I had gathered. When the hunt was finished and everyone was leaving, I began opening my eggs. One of them had what appeared to me a piece of gum in the shape of E.T. I was so excited I immediately began chewing it. To my horrible surprise, it was not gum. It was an eraser.

3) 1995, Easter dinner at my house. My Mother thought it would be a grand idea to have Easter dinner at our house and invite my Uncle and my Grandmother. Well, both my Mother and Grandmother had a little bit too much to drink and some words were exchanged and my Mother left the table. I was so embarrassed and angry that I just hunched down further into my seat and played with my mashed potatoes. My Grandmother began laughing maniacally and calling my mother names. Then the food fight started. Yes, you heard me. As soon as the stuffing started flying, I crawled from the table and into my room. I shut the door and didn't come out for three hours. Things remained quiet after that. When I came out, my Uncle was watching tv and the ladies were passed out. I cleaned up the entire food mess. I then considered running away from home and still wishing I had that kite.

1 comment:

CamiKaos said...

that bunny really scares me.