Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I'm so exhausted.

Five minutes after I got on the bus today, I fell asleep. This never happens. When I got home, I fed the pets and promptly took a nap. This has been ongoing for about three weeks. Sleeping. A lot. When I wake up, I devour everything in the house. Including entire cartons of OJ.

I don't know. You tell me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I should probably fill some people in. I got a preschool teaching position at Portland Jewish Academy. I will be working with the three year olds. We celebrate Shabbat every Friday. It involves grape juice masquerading as wine. C'mon. I'm ecstatic. Three year olds.

I like can I touch

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Times are hard.

I suspect that when this all passes, I will be smarter, stronger and have a greater tolerance for alcohol consumption. My life is a "Hang in there baby" poster. Yup.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Heat wave blues

I lied when I told my friend I wouldn't be sitting at home in a "mope fest." So far it's true. I took a cold shower and layed down in the dark for a while. It's hot and my face is wet from the tears and the sweat.

I didn't get the job. No big deal right?

I agree. I shouldn't take it personally. It seems that everyone in the state of Oregon is looking for a job right now, it's all just par for the course.


I've been running down the checklist in my head, trying to figure out what it is. Why I'm not getting any bites. Is it my age? Should I be disclosing my age in interviews because employers think I'm a lot younger than I am? Is it the way I interview? Do I smell bad? Do I always have something in my teeth? GAH.

I used to take getting a job for granted. It was really easy for me. I would turn in my resume and usually get a call back the same week. I would listen to my friends complain about not hearing back about anything or getting rejected. I would put a hand on their shoulder and buy them a drink and secretly pat myself on the back for being so lucky and awesome and employed. Now I'm that friend and all of my employed friends are probably thinking the same thing. They should. They should enjoy it while it lasts.

I don't sleep much anymore because there is always a job to apply for. There is always a job site I haven't perused all the way through. Craigslist used to be my friend and then it stopped posting jobs everyday and I thought we had something. Now it never returns my phone calls.

I go in and out of sleep, dreaming of showing up nude to job interviews while everyone stares horrified at me and I just stand there and go "what?" Rachael Ray cooks "Wurst Burgers" and I watch WALL-E on the movie channel for the 30th time. I'm getting tired of the Baskin Robin's "ice cream cake" commercial, but I still laugh every time because laughing feels good and dancing robots let me briefly forget that I can't pay my rent for August.

I know all of this will pass. I know things are meant to be and that I have to get through this challenge in order for the good stuff to happen.

I know that there is a pot of gold at the end of that top ramen rainbow. I have to believe that.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh for crying out loud!

I'm annoyed. This woman whom I sent a resume to teach in her preschool, sent me a list of survey questions to answer before she offered an interview. She just wrote back and thanked me for my "interesting answers, but due to the great number of more qualified candidates I am going to have to wish you the very best as you search for a better match for your skills & talent." Excuse me, but what does my "favorite food" and "last costume worn for halloween" have to do with my skills and talent? I HAVE A FABULOUS RESUME LADY, its too bad you won't get the pleasure to speak in person with me!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

This chair is comfortable but it sure is hard to get out of!

First comes marriage, then comes the camping trip. As a couple, we decided that we needed to work on our outdoors skills, primarily in the camping realm. Since we started dating, we've been on a total of four camping trips (including this one) and each time we've discovered a few things that needed tweaking. Each time we've learned a lesson about some aspect of our experience (more of this, less of that, or warmer clothing is a MUST) and vowed to do better next time. This time, we were three camping trips smarter and decided to go at it for two nights at Timothy Lake. Neither of us had been there before but it seemed to be a nice idea since it was a good distance from Portland that felt like we were "in the middle of nowhere" but close enough for us not to get sick of riding in a vehicle for too long together (give us a break, we're both only children). We decided to scope up two campgrounds: Hoodview and Gone Creek, both were about a mile apart on the same route and on the lake. Gone Creek was nice but there were a lot of RV's which signified elderly people to me, so I instructed Conor to go to Hoodview. That one was nicer for me and had more open spots. All of the lakeside spots were taken so we opted for one further back from the lake, but closer to the road. Once we unpacked, we enjoyed ourselves by the campfire and commenced to the eating of camp food (hot dogs an hamburgers, because that's what you do) and "enjoyed being away from it all."

As with every camping trip, there is something to be learned, and this is the latest on our list of things that will thus be improved:

1) We hate being away from home. One night is enough. We've always known this detail yet are somehow in denial and every single time we leave on vacation, we try to ignore this and always remind each other that we hate being away from home and become homesick. STICK TO THE OVERNIGHT RULE!

2) You can never have enough blankets.

3) Pretend it is always Winter wherever you go because apparently its cold even in the summer.

4) You can never have enough ice.

5) Always pick the most secluded spot. OR, opt for the campground that is walk-in or pack-in/pack-out. Camping near other people results in loss of privacy and overhearing people's random discussions about arbitrary shit that you could really go your whole life without hearing.

On our last night of the trip, Conor got really sick and we left at about 6am to get home so Conor could barf in the privacy of our own home. We're not sure why he got so sick, it could be a multitude of things, maybe even swine flu, WHO KNOWS. I just know that I'm one more camping trip smarter and we still have leftover snacks from our trip to keep me happy until the weekend.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Wumpus

I was having a bad day but this made my day un-bad.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Facts about animals I only remember when I'm drunk

Animals that lay eggs don’t have bellybuttons.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fucking lemons!

I can hear them talking about industry all the way from here!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bob Saget!

This guy is for real. I hope to meet him one day.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Greetings from the Starlight Parade!

I have lived in Portland for almost twenty years, and I have never seen a parade during the Rose Festival. Growing up, my mother was never one for huge social events and proclaiming ones love for her city (don't get me wrong, there was love to be had, but we were very subtle about it) so she never took me to see one. We went to the Waterfront every other year or so, but that was more aimed toward my love of carnival food and cheap thrill rides (I mean cheap in the trashy way). Conor has marched in the parade a few times when he was in high school, so that was something of interest for him. He really schooled me on formation and how to tell if a school has a lot of money based on marching band size and clothing being worn. As usual, I was distracted by crazy lights and children with multi-colored lightsabers, so I forgot many of the main points Conor stated during his lecture. I should really have taken notes. Highlights include the Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers (they all wear black and sunglasses at night!) and the Starlight run where runners wear various costumes. I don't know where this tradition comes from, but you bet I'll be signed up next year as a box of mac n cheese. Why not?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Very thin ice!

"Surely, you jest, I'm under cardiac arrest!"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Items I bought while I was moderately drunk and momentarily believed in magic: The Diva Cup

Look, tampons are really, really expensive. A friend of mine, who will not be named, convinced me to make this purchase based on several (at what the time seemed) very convincing factors as to why I should make the switch from sticking cotton up my vag, to using a safe plastic cup to retain my monthly vaginal secretions. I was leery of this since I had always known one way of dealing with my flow each month and had really not taken the time to educate myself on alternatives. Yes, I'll admit, I was swayed by magic. According to the instructions;

"The DivaCup™ is very sanitary, comfortable, reliable and convenient. It holds one full ounce (30 ml). Since the entire cycle is an average of 3-4 ounces (90-120 ml), most women find that the cup is not even half full after 12 hours. The vagina is continually self-cleansing, washing away dead cells and bacteria. Tampons absorb the natural fluids that we need to keep the vagina clean and moist. The DivaCup™ is non-absorbent and simply collects the menstrual flow, leaving the natural moisture level in the vagina undisturbed. Depending on your flow empty the cup 2-3 times per 24 hour day, wash and reinsert. It can be worn up to 12 hours, even overnight. The DivaCup™ is ideal for all activities including swimming, camping, backpacking, and travelling. It is suitable for all menstruating women of all ages."

MAGIC!!! So I bought it. Yes, I'd had a few beers prior to purchase. Yes, the lovely little carrying sack was a nice purple color and I'm like a crow who spots shiny things and must have them when I see the color purple. I'm not going to go into very many details regarding its use (which ended up to be at most, during three of my cycles), I'll just say that I laugh too hard, too often and being in a public, engaged in a social activity when your DivaCup™ "pops out" gets old after a while. Yep. You heard me. Needless to say, I'm back to good ol' cotton. Sigh.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Listen up guys. Steve is not gay, ok?

Dude. Epic fail? He plays a keyboard on the wall and there are a few bad ass mustache closeups. This video is made of win.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I don't even know how to describe how awesome this is. Rick Astley himself Rick Rolls the entire Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Wow.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It tastes a little different!

During my trip to New York, I made a quick stop in at McSorley's Old Ale House. Perhaps the single greatest novelty of McSorley's is that it has served one beverage in its 150 year history; ale. When you order, you basically ask for "light" or "dark" and whatever you get, comes with two glasses. Order double and you get four glasses, pretty sweet eh? I had no idea this was the deal when I went in so imagine my surprise when I ask for dark and get two glasses of ale. I thought I was getting a good deal! McSorley's has a wood floor with sawdust all over it. I immediately suspected this had to be due to the large amount of vomiting that occurred there - then I smelled what I swear was vomit and my suspicions were confirmed. Maybe it just has to due with the fact that this place is so incredibly old and hasn't been changed at all. Just use the bathrooms.

Great idea

Eventually, I plan to stop hiding from all of these messes and learn to cope correctly. Everything is so surreal. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to see if I'm still alive. I can't imagine myself after June. I can't imagine much at all. Maybe if I stop eating dairy, I'll start feeling refreshed and happy again. I can't handle the way my body feels these days. I don't want to go to work anymore. I don't want to talk to people. I just want to watch cooking programs. All day. I think the cat is the only one who understands.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I am Cobra Commander

I've been exhausted lately. There seems to be no time in the schedule for "doing nothing." I just want a weekend where I'm not required to be social or plan some event/aspect of my wedding.


I have this planner that I carry around with me. Normally, I wouldn't commit such a crime, but since I went back to school, I thought it would have its use. Now I just feel like my days are crowded with too many activities and my stress level is abnormal. It sort of reminds me why I hate having a cell phone, you lose sight of any kind of privacy and people can get a hold of you just that easier.

Meh. I could REALLY use a break.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Keyboard cat

I just can't handle this.

Friday, May 15, 2009

This I can promise

I cannot promise you a life of sunshine;
I cannot promise riches, wealth, or gold;
I cannot promise you an easy pathway
That leads away from change or growing old.

But I can promise all my heart’s devotion;
A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow;
A love that's ever true and ever growing;
A steady hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow.

A love that’s ever true and ever growing;
A steady hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow.

Copyright © Winfield Clark 1991-2008

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Top five things that annoy me

1) Being stuck behind people walking slow.

2) People who interrupt my sentence to complete it, but say the wrong thing.

3) People who wear too much perfume.

4) Bad-mannered, arrogant and rude people.

5) Owls.

Don't just stand there

I'm happy that this exists.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The passenger

Most of the time, I find that it happens when I'm in the car. First, I notice my heart beat start to accelerate, then my chest drops into my stomach and I instinctively clutch my belly as if to hold in all of my internal organs in case they shoot out of my body. The headache comes next, slowly but surely. I can feel it in my entire face, spreading and pulsing until I'm hot and sweaty and it hurts to swallow. My hands are clammy. My eyes and ears are alert, waiting. Then the thoughts come.

Its around this point that I begin to remember a story my mother told me when I was 15 about when she used to be the editor for the local newspaper in the town I grew up in.

There was a fatal car accident involving four teens who were drunk after a school event. I can't remember the exact details of the accident but the driver lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a telephone pole. Everyone in the car died instantly. My mother went to the scene of the accident and arrived shortly before bodies were removed from the vehicle. She said it was so bad that nothing could be salvaged, something about there only being eyeballs left.

Maybe this was imagined in my 15 year old mind, perhaps it was a factual detail. Perhaps my mother sensationalized the story. Perhaps. I think she told me this story to discourage me from riding/driving in a car drunk. I didn't actually need encouragement at the time, but nonetheless, the story did its job, I was scarred by its telling and have been extremely sensitive about car accidents ever since. I can't even look at footage of them without cringing. I become extremely uncomfortable at the mere thought of them. It is the worst possible way I can think of dying.

My hands are clammy. My eyes and ears are alert, waiting. Thoughts.

I glance over at him, the one I trust the most, driving, looking ahead on the freeway, ocassionally drifting in and out of different topics while I half listen, half practice that meditative breathing thing my counselor recommended. Its not working (it never does) so I start the routine trio of glancing to the spedometer, then to freeway ahead, then to him driving.

Eyeballs. Telephone pole. Slamming. My hands grip knees. My heart beating like a hammer.

Everything is a blur as I squeeze my eyes shut and talk myself down. I'm so used to it by now that I might as well give up and ride the wave. I always do. I can't win.

I was scarred by its telling.

This movie exists

Ray Milland plays an aging, grumpy, physically disabled millionaire who invites his family to his island estate for his birthday celebration. Sam Elliot plays a free-lance photographer who is doing a pollution layout for an ecology magazine. Jason Crokett (Milland) hates nature, poisoning anything that crawls on his property. On the night of his birthday the frogs and other members of nature begin to pay Milland back.

I caught the tail end of this 1972 horror film with Sam Elliot while channel surfing the other day. I don't even have the words to express. I wish my timing had been better because I definitely do NOT have a problem watching a bunch of frogs devour an elderly male.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Facts about animals I only remember when I'm drunk

A barnacle has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My heart keeps beating like a hammer

I have recently discovered that riding a bike while listening to my iPod is pretty much the best thing ever. Then I got to work and ate some cheesecake and realized I made up my mind about what things are the best too soon. Oops.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Birthdays are fun!

I spent my 28th birthday at the beach. Some close friends of mine secured a beach house in Arch Cape for the weekend and we all went to relax and take it all in. I enjoyed my time there very much and did all the things I had planned to. Board games, margaritas, walking on the beach with no shoes, chasing my dog around so he didn't pee somewhere secret, eat brownies, ect.
On our second night, Jesika and I made macaroni and cheese for dinner and boy was it a win. It was so good that I got a really bad stomach ache in the middle of the night from all the cheese and milk. My stomach is not really friends with dairy, but it was my birthday and Jesus discovered cheese so, it was worth it to feel icky for a little while. On the day we left, Conor and I drove with some friends to the Tillamook Cheese Factory, which was nice because I really liked the idea of getting some cheeses that I know they only sell at the factory, like garlic chili pepper cheddar. Nom nom nom. Conor hadn't been to the factory since he was a kid and its been like 7 years for me. The only thing I regret is not getting a picture behind the farmer and cow cutout that they still have in the lobby. But, we did eat a lot of cheese and ice cream, which of course is really the entire point.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Items I bought while I was moderately drunk and momentarily believed in magic: Smooth Away

Oh man. This product does not work. Believe me. Have you ever deliberately rubbed sandpaper across your skin? Well, imagine doing that, except with really, really weak sandpaper. Like, sandpaper that needs to be thrown away, but you haven't yet because you got too distracted listening to Hall & Oates records. Look, if you really feel that your life is so busy that you don't have enough time to shower and shave your body hair off the conventional way via razor, then I think its time to loosen up your schedule. I really wanted to believe in Smooth Away. For a moment, when I was gleefully opening the package and had been purposefully putting off shaving my legs in anticipation for SOME REAL SERIOUS MAGIC, I hadn't even for one moment thought that it could be a) disasterous and painful and b) a complete waste of fucking time. The moral of this story is that I really have to stop buying things that are only advertised on tv and also, I have to stop having a child-like sense of wonder.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

RIP Bea Arthur

Betty White is still alive. My life isn't over yet.

Facts about animals I only remember when I'm drunk

Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I thought is pepper

Oh, old toasted German lady, you don't even know.

Love isn't always on time

I have Fridays off. Most people would think this is a good thing, but, for me, it sort of sucks because I could be making money. This economy stinks. I remember a time when you could look on Craigslist and see a plethora of job postings under your preferred career. Now I'm lucky if I see two. I have to cover my ass because Summer is coming up and I probably won't have a job. I just overheard on the news that GM, to keep from going bankrupt, is looking at killing off three brands: Pontiac, Saab and Hummer. Huh?! This sort of thing doesn't really pertain to me since I stopped driving a car in 2006. I'm just a really bad driver and I wanted to protect my life (and mostly yours). When I hear things about car brands getting cut because people are running out of money, it just boggles me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lessons I learned from Scarface

Dudes who wear sunglasses always win. Take it from Tony Montana.

Records I bought but then quickly realized did not rock

Don't get me wrong. I love me some Loverboy. But, much to my chagrin, after having a small inner cow at the thrift store upon discovering this album in the stacks and taking it home to play, I quickly discovered, with the exception of one or two tracks, that this album does not rock and I am now wishing I had my $1.99 back. Turn Me Loose is a great song and really revs my engine, but, the rest of the album is sort of mediocre and after about the third or fourth song, really leaves one feeling flat. All I could think about was all the other records that I could have been playing that would knock my socks off. If that is happening, then sadly, one has made a purchase disaster. Oh well. At least the cover of the record is awesome.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm so boring

Drinking doesn't make me fascinating, but it does alleviate the tedium.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gem from the past

I start LOLing at 1:45.

I was pleased to discover that Kim Sin Young, the larger Korean girl, became a successful comedian in 2009.

I can't help but laugh at her facial expressions.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

This is the face I make when I am pretending to be a kitty

I have a small love affair with Brooklyn that I still haven't quite been able to get over. I got back from my week long trip about two or so weeks ago and I still dream of pizza wherever I go. I sort of equate Spring Break with the idea that I need to start over somehow. Reset. Clean out. Most other people equate it with getting trashed and being where the sun is always shining. This year, I really needed to purge myself of a few things (some vomit happened, but not related to alcohol, I'll spare you the details) and I can say that I feel a lot better now than before I left.
I spent time with a person in my life who I needed to be with. Some people are put on this Earth to love you unconditionally and she is one of those people. Its not quite the love that is obvious. Its something different, much more hidden. We don't have the kind of relationship where we need to gaze into each others eyes and say I love you. Oh no. We just have this incredible bond, like sisters, and being an only child, its a bond that I can't get enough of. To make matters AWESOME, our other sister joined us from across the country and I felt like the trio of BEST EVER AMAZING-NESS was completed and my reset button went haywire. In a good way. When I stop to think about all the problems and issues present in my life. I have to shake my head and laugh. I have some of the best friends anyone could ask for. Friends who, despite my faults and awkward moments, love me for who I am and continually remind me why.

Friday, April 17, 2009

This makes sense

No, I'm lying.
Is it really possible to disappoint a lot of people in such a small amount of time?
There is quite a storm coming
Er, I type words on computer
“You cannot subscribe to your own blog"
Wtf is going on
I mean seriously guys
If I could only choke Kevin Federline with my bare hands.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The more you try to erase me

My mental health deceives me at times. Am I really thinking outside the normal range of thought, or am I just giving myself a hard time?

I don't know who I am anymore. One minute, I have this specific kind of life where I make specific kinds of choices and have specific kinds of opinions. This all seems to fall apart in the end, as lately, I say one thing and do another.

I'm frustrated as hell. There are so many things I could do with my life that would require me just getting off my ass and doing it. There are things I know I shouldn't be doing, but I do, only because I love that feeling of rebellion.

My life is not as difficult as I make it out to be. Really, I have the same kinds of problems as the next person. Its just a matter of how I'm going to deal with them, and how I'm going to decide to react.

My life is just. That is how I would put it. I'm trying to be "just" in a lot of ways. I don't know how I'm getting from one point to another, I just know I'm doing it and I can't complain about it. I'm doing things just. I'm just, just. I can't figure out where all of this was inside of me, before. I just don't know.

And a lot of things have happened in the last sort of while. Some bad things happened. And I'm not happy about them, but they were... just. A lot of good things happened and I'm the better for it.

Sometimes when I wonder why things keep happening a certain way, or why I'm just not getting it about a particular something, I just make a pact to myself that its "just" and I can handle it for now and maybe later, maybe I'll mind-fuck around with it.

You see, I'm not having it anymore. I'm not going to let myself go under. I'm trying really hard to push on. To make whatever it is that is lousy, better. I'm living half of my life in this dream-state. Where I go "camping" a lot (its random, I'll tell you about that later). Where I go to the Dog Park, wearing the uniform of the depressed: sweatpants and a raincoat.

I'm just not at all sure what I am anymore. The old someone is leaving and the new someone won't stop smiling at me *like that*

Like. That.

I'm not so sure I can handle this with the net that's supporting me. The net is starting to get smaller, but its all enveloping, its warm, its rooted.

Well into the ground.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hit the bottom and escape

When it comes to music, it has never been quite that easy for me to explain why I like what I like, why certain songs and artists move me. I feel like if I could just telepathically send messages of what I'm seeing in my mind, maybe it would make sense, or even better, be able to convey the emotions that pass through me during a particular moment in a song. Maybe its not that important to try to explain. Maybe its just important that I feel so much.

The other day on the bus as I was watching the traffic pass in a blur, my eyes started to water and that familiar lump started rising in my throat and I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold back my tears. Perhaps I was just tired and stressed from the events of the day and needed something, anything to release all the tension I was feeling. Maybe I had realized in that moment that everything I love and hate about the world, my life, how I yearn to express myself can be summed up in the way a guitar sounds in a song or how the lyrics seem to express exactly what makes my insides fall apart.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Open letter

Dear Trimet riders of Portland;

I will not be silent any longer. I have to get this out before I explode. Can you PLEASE tell me why you find it necessary to stand in the aisle of the bus during rush hour, when there are clearly open seats on the bus? Why is it that when I get on the bus, you insist on standing right in the front near the driver, blocking the way so that I can't actually GET ON THE BUS? Why is it that when the bus is getting close to crowded, you don't move back, and when you are asked to move back, you look all around like a deer caught in headlights and then move two steps!? When someone asks you to move back MOVE TO THE END OF THE BUS! Why is it that when you sit down on the bus you sit on the outside seat so that the inside seat is blocked to anyone else who may want to sit down? Why is it that when I politely say "excuse me please" when trying to navigate towards an open seat in the back that people in aisle are blocking, you give me a dirty look? And can you PLEASE tell me why during a single bus ride, only 2 out of many riders say PLEASE or THANK YOU to to the driver?

Its not like someone just gave you a ride or anything.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I didn't recognize myself in the mirror

Thank God for The Onion. How would I ever get through the day?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cuddly bunnies and baby chickens

Here are a few Easters that I can remember:

1) 1985, There was an Easter egg hunt with clues. The clues led me to the garden where the finale was a pastel colored kite that blended well with the whole theme. It was magical. I flew the kite so much in the following days (we lived on the coast) that it broke apart. From that day forth, I make it very clear to my Mother that she is never to buy cheap presents for me again. Of course, I don't make the money in the family, so I lose.

2) 1987, Sunday school Easter egg hunt. I was making bank with all the plastic eggs I had gathered. When the hunt was finished and everyone was leaving, I began opening my eggs. One of them had what appeared to me a piece of gum in the shape of E.T. I was so excited I immediately began chewing it. To my horrible surprise, it was not gum. It was an eraser.

3) 1995, Easter dinner at my house. My Mother thought it would be a grand idea to have Easter dinner at our house and invite my Uncle and my Grandmother. Well, both my Mother and Grandmother had a little bit too much to drink and some words were exchanged and my Mother left the table. I was so embarrassed and angry that I just hunched down further into my seat and played with my mashed potatoes. My Grandmother began laughing maniacally and calling my mother names. Then the food fight started. Yes, you heard me. As soon as the stuffing started flying, I crawled from the table and into my room. I shut the door and didn't come out for three hours. Things remained quiet after that. When I came out, my Uncle was watching tv and the ladies were passed out. I cleaned up the entire food mess. I then considered running away from home and still wishing I had that kite.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blossoming in the dentists chair

It all started when the hygienist and the dentist began arguing in the middle of my root canal. Awkward I thought. Really? Is this seriously happening right now? At one point, both the hygienist and dentist left in the middle of the procedure to cool off (even though I was told he went to go examine another patient briefly???) and I was left to my own devices with my mouth hanging wide open, covered in my own mouth mess and just wishing for the end to come so I could get my painkiller prescription and escape. The only thing that saved me was the enlarged photograph of cherry blossoms on the ceiling. It was oddly comforting and reminded me of how much I'm looking forward to the coming Spring. Warmth, fresh air, excuse to wear less clothing...

I think everything is going to be ok.

I have to get this root canal...

One question I have always wanted to know the answer to is why can’t they put you to sleep for every dental experience? I mean let’s face it going to the dentist always feels like surgery to me. I have to sit in the chair for two hours and I know I'm going to be driven crazy by the sound of that drill. I just hope they give me painkillers at the end. Even though I probably won't need them. At least that would make my Saturday night a lot more interesting.

EDIT: They gave me painkillers. Now we're cookin' with gas Roy!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Find me in the air

J and I found her dress for the wedding and also some shoes. I liked her shoes so much that I purchased a pair of my own, in black. They're from one of those trendy shoe stores in the mall that you always pass by thinking its going to close abruptly because nobody ever shops there and all the shoes are displayed on tables in similar styles but different colors and there is too much green and yellow. In fact, I think the name of the store has the word "trend" in it but I can never be sure since I am hardly ever really paying attention. When we picked up the dress, the two young girls behind the counter were giggling and being all young girl-ish and annoying. The dark haired one asked me, "how do you spell your name?" as if she had had a long standing bet with the blonde one. I spelled it for her and they both said "ohhhhh" really loud and long as if they had always been baffled by the mere existence of my name and then both equally came up with their own versions of how they thought my name was spelled. "Its a season" I say, feeling the familiar frustration rise in me that so many people, SO MANY PEOPLE have no idea how to spell "Autumn". Really? Seriously? Its one of the four seasons! You can spell Winter and Summer, even Spring without really second guessing yourself, why is Autumn so difficult? I guess I can see why, what with the silent "n" at the end, but still, basic elementary and secondary educations should have this handled by the time people graduate high school. I just don't get it. We buy the dress as some long overdue pop song is playing and escape. I immediately find mall food that I know can push down the frustration and anger I am feeling over this very small detail and am temporarily satisfied. My past experience has taught me that fake cheese and over salted pretzels generally help in situations such as these.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is it

While walking through the huge mall that's not too close to where I live and where I discover has stores that I'm actually interested in going into but don't because I know I'll spend money I have but that's not for fun things, I briefly remember the time I received a snoopy fishing pole for some childhood birthday. I can't recall from memory what made me start thinking about it. Maybe some kiosk in the middle of the mall that I walked past. Maybe an over priced children's clothing store (that just reminded me I should purchase baby clothing in muted tones when that time comes). I just know that when the memory crossed my mind, my stomach started to hurt and I felt depressed and instantly needed a hug to ease my mind.

Monday, April 6, 2009

You weren't bright enough today

I'm a bit sunburned. I expect crankiness from not only me but the rest of Portland when the sun disappears again.

I haven't been feeling well lately. Everything is bothering me. The sun is distracting but not enough.

I want to talk about what's ailing me but I don't even know where to begin.

I need a cure